About Us | Explore Fleming County | Fleming County Museum

The Fleming County Chamber is a membership organization, serving as a collective voice to drive solutions for a thriving community. We work each day to advocate for businesses and organizations of all sizes to ensure Fleming County has a healthy business environment. We create exclusive access, networking and professional development opportunities to grow your business and your employees.

We are your bridge to opportunity.

The Chamber of Commerce is run by its members, with all members having the same vote. The Board of Directors, made up of between nine and twenty-four members, sets the policies, plans and programming for the Chamber.

Melanie Jones, President
Flemingsburg Tourism 
Betsy Case, Vice President
Peoples Bank of Kentucky 
Dabney Hart, Secretary
Hypac Hydraulics 
No photo description available.Maleah Hendrix, Treasurer
Donna Hendrix, CPA  
image of Michele Bowling
Michele Bowling
606 Sales & Events

Becky Bowling

ABC Administrator

Amber Dodson
PrimaryPlus– Flemingsburg
Headshot image PlaceholderMisty Dunaway

The Hairloft

Headshot image PlaceholderJoe Gulley
Windy Ridge Acres
Stephanie Hardin
Fleming County PVA

Jennifer Hazelrigg

Hazelrigg Realty / 606 Sales & Events

Headshot image PlaceholderMike High
Industrial Field Maintenance 

Headshot image PlaceholderWes Hilterbrand

Hilman Industries

Amanda McIntyre

Pioneer Trace Group

No photo description available.Emily Sapp

Emily B. Sapp Insurance – KY Farm Bureau

Headshot image PlaceholderCody Thompson
Community Trust Bank


image of Crystal L. McCall Ruark
Executive Director
Crystal L. McCall Ruark
image of Haylee Marshall
Administrative Assistant
Haylee Marshall

Fleming County Map